Monday, 26 October 2015

a day in the life: peer feedback & review

the first sheet explaining which each of my concepts are and what i was trying to represent/convey. this part was easy, as i knew which each of my concepts was trying to do and what i wanted to achieve, it was just if my peers could tell themselves.

here is the first round of feedback from one of my peers. we were told not to talk so as they wouldnt know what my article was and to just see if they could work it out themselves, so as to tell us if we had successful drawings. she reviewed some of the ideas which i didnt review myself for the concepts so i got some feedback on some of my other work as well. the overall outcome was most of them conveyed some ideas of loneliness and sadness with a few confusions, however most of the confusion was with the ideas that i knew i wasn't going to carry out so that's good.

on this section we were grouped with people who also had the same article as us and were asked to present our work to them. this gave us the chance to get some real feedback on what we should change and what we should keep. i found this really helpful as it helped me to see which ideas were liked and easily understandable and which i had to scrap.

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