Tuesday, 12 January 2016

untold story: experimentation

some more experimentation to help me make some more decisions on how i want the final book to turn out. i started by doing some ink experimentation as i wanted to try some different media than what i'm used to. i really loved the way that the ink turned out in ways of making the greyhound look like it was really moving and not so static. however i dont know if it is what i want for this book because i don't want to lose the essence of my handmade drawings as i feel like they will be more heartwarming.

i also did more storyboarding for my project, but after talking with peers i am going to change it up a little bit and instead of the greyhound running straight across i'm going to add more perspective and diversity. 

i also started to do some watercolour for the greek background just to see how it would turn out however i feel like it is too much of a wishy washy vibe for what i wanted so i think from the pencil colour test that i did before i'm going to stick with that.

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