practical skills and methodologies have you developed within this module and
how effectively do you think you are employing them within your own practice?
I think within this project I have really embraced
blogging the most, as I have found it really fun and interesting. Researching
more into my project and testing things out with different materials is another
thing that I think I have really challenged myself with in this project, and if
something happened to go wrong, I wouldn’t scrap it like I used to do but instead
use that to my advantage.
Which approaches to research have you found most valuable during this module.
How have you interrogated your research to identify appropriate ideas?
I think the most valuable research that I have found
this module would have been on the internet, purely for the fact that I could
get the information that I wanted quickly and easily, and when the library didn’t
have the source material that I needed I could turn to the internet. I also
think artist research has helped me a lot in this project as I think I have
been influenced to try different styles and push my boundaries a bit more.
I also think talking to people has helped me with
this project, as a source of research. Finding out the background behind some
of the dogs in Dogs Trust really helped inspire me and motivate me, knowing
that this was definitely the project that I wanted to do.
strengths can you identify within your submission and how have you capitalised
on these? What aspects of your submission are you satisfied with?
I think the strengths of my submission are the
initial development stages that I went through. My ideas went through a lot of
different changes, and I think all of them were vital to the development of my
final outcome. I am really happy with my final piece, as I think that trying to
challenge myself and do something different has really helped to push and
motivate me and produce a better outcome than I could’ve hoped for.
I feel like another of my strengths within this brief
has been the blogging and research, I think using these has really helped to
shape my brief into what it finally became. As without the research behind it, I
wouldn’t have been able to come up with the ideas.
areas for further development can you identify within your submission and how
will you address these in the future?
I think one of the things I could further develop in
the future would be to focus on experimentation. I think although I did more
experimentation than my previous projects, towards the end it felt a little bit
like I wanted to experiment more but didn’t have the time, so if I had started
a little bit earlier I would’ve had the time. Therefore time management would
also be something that I should improve on. Making sure that I have enough time
to develop my project and still have enough time for the final piece.
effectively are you making decisions about the development of your work?
What strategies
informs this decision making?
I think I was effectively making decisions on the
development of my work in the fact that I was trying to push myself to try new
things. Landscape and coloured pencil were new things for me, so I tried them
both out in different ways before coming to a conclusion on what I was happy
with the most. I think my researching also helped in my decision making, as I found
out things that really interested me and then that helped to create more ideas
for my project.
I also think that peer and tutor crits helped me to make decisions
about my work, as they helped me to
realise which ideas had potential and which I should not run with.
effectively have you managed this project and organised yourself during this
I think to an extent I have managed myself very well
within this project. It was a bumpy start with some ideas and visits falling
through and not completely understanding the project at first, but as I got
with it and got more interested in my project, I think that motivated me to
work more and have fun with it, rather than think of it as a chore. So this
helped me in the long run, as I didn’t leave things to the last minute and I paced
myself, also having fun at the same time.
7.How would
you grade yourself on the following areas:
indicate using an ‘x’)
excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor
Quantity of
work produced
Quality of
work produced
to the group