Wednesday, 4 November 2015

a day in the life: evaluation

this brief has been a very rewarding one for me, as i have found things out about myself that i previously did not know. i have pushed myself to try things i wouldn't normally do and tried to change my outlook on rough work and sketches. (as you know me, i'm a perfectionist neat freak).

some of my strengths i think have been in developing my work. in previous projects throughout my education i have been known to get an idea for a final piece and do it and that's it, however i think this project is one of the first where my roughs have turned into something different for the final outcome. i've really enjoyed finding this out about myself and think this project is a turning point for me as an illustrator and a person.

some of my weaknesses however, i think were still to develop MORE. even though i've somewhat got past my 'omg it all has to be neat' phase, i still think that i should be doing pages and pages of development to try and further my work to exceed my own expectations. 

i think this project has been my favourite so far and i'm really pleased with how my final outcomes turned out and i think that i've really developed myself on the path to becoming a professional illustrator.

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