Thursday, 29 December 2016

illustration 1: final prints

Here are my final prints! I'm super happy with how they turned out. I think I did really well (thanks me). I measured them all the same so they were all cut out equally with some extra space at the bottom because Teresa said that's how professional prints should be! So that's what I did. I think they look super professional and nice. Now all I need is some plastic to bind them in with some cardboard on the back and they'll be even more professional looking! I'm so happy. 

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

illustration 1: sound websites

These are the two websites that I used to find sound for my animations. I think they were really useful because they have different things like sounds (water, bubbles, birds) etc and then music that people have made too. And it's all royalty free wahoo.

Monday, 19 December 2016

responsive: christmas kids

this is more of a personal brief, however i thought that i would add it onto this blog. my mum asked me to create 2 illustrations for my younger siblings for a christmas present. i think it was quite easy for me to think up different things to do for both of them. my younger sister is very attached to me and we have a close relationship as girls do, so i thought she would like to have an illustration of the two of us together.
my brother, however, is more into his games and things so as i know him quite well, i know what his favourite pokemon are, which is a video game that he is really into. so i thought for his illustration i would do him standing with his favourite pokemon, as if he himself is a pokemon trainer! 

i'm really happy with how these turned out and i hope that they like them!

Thursday, 15 December 2016

illustration 1: last minute monoprint fun

 So I was just playing around with my monoprints and finished positives for my screenprints and I really love how these turned out. I was inspired by the monoprint fun I did before with the little purple guy and using Murakami quotes. I think if I had been doing a book this is what I would have done. I do really like how this turned out and maybe in the future I'll do more of these and make a little zine seperate from a project.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

responsive: illustration friday - spiral

this week's illustration friday was 'spiral'! I decided to do something a bit different for this instead of the normal images for spiral you see. I thought someone being wrapped in a spiral of blankets might be a little more fun. 
i used paint tool sai for most of this piece, using my cintiq 13hd. I have been really enjoying doing digital drawings at the moment and i think it's really pushing my practice further. plus for small briefs like these illustration friday ones it's easier to just grab my tablet and doodle away using CTRL+Z rather than exhaustively using paper.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

illustration 1: study task 6 part 2

for the second part of the task we were asked to choose some sounds and then create story boards that best represented those sounds.


sea lions: [Link]


tubestation: [Link]


thailand morning: [Link]

illustration 1: study task 6 part 1

MR NIGHT HAS A DAY OFF - short film from Ignas Meilunas on Vimeo.

I chose this animation because of the quirkiness of it. It intrigued me the way they used 2D and 3D environment together. The music is quite simple in this animation. Quite nonchalant and chilled, seemingly curious as the character Mr Night goes through the town turning things into night/dark things. I think adding the different sound effects in like the coffee splash, the dog bark, the bike etc really sets the tone of the animation and makes it more fun to watch. Like he really is interacting with the things around him. The music reflects on the atmosphere of the animation, in that there is no harsh theme or imagery, just something fun.

FURTHER - 試煉 from kai chang on Vimeo.

The other animation I have chosen is Futher by Kai Chang. I chose this one because of how different it is from the other. The theme is dark and disturbing and the music reflects that. The music comes in and out, with added silence in between, this adds to the tense nature of the animation and the music is timed very skillfully. The sound effects of the smashing, the drops, really add to the atmosphere of the piece and seem to echo around. The music picks up pace and tempo around the middle when they are fighting to show the change of drama and makes your heart race.